Sex with my best friend

Okay so background story about me. I lost my virginity to my best friend about 10 months ago. I had known him since we were 3 and we were really close. We told each other everything. He made me laugh. I developed feelings for him a couple months before anything happened but I didn't tell him. He was always really protective of me and told me to stay away from the dickheads who only want sex and stuff. We were staying in the same holiday park over Christmas and New Years and I started getting the vibe that he may have liked me. I really really liked him at this point and then a couple days after New Years, we had sex. He promised me that we would be together when school goes back and that he really liked me more than just friends. I went home the next day, thinking life was going pretty good. I tried to text him a couple days later, a bit confused as to where we stood. He didn't reply. I waited for a whole week but I didn't hear one word from him. I was heartbroken. I had been played by someone who had told me to watch out for the players. I lost my best friend. I lost the one person I could talk about anything with. I can't trust anyone anymore. To this day, he walks past me and acts like he doesn't know me.