New Boyfriend. Possible Love at First Sight?

So I might end up venting some. I recently started dating this guy. We had went on a few dates before we were official. I am 18 and he is 19. To be honest I have really bad anxiety around people and I was scared I'd have a panic attack on our first date and totally ruin it. Also I am extremely awkward. But I was surprised to find I was entirely at ease, besides the first date jitters. The both of us are pretty reserved so it was a surprise that we got on so well. We've been dating a little over a week and we're moving pretty fast but neither of us minds. We joke that we have to keep reminding ourselves we just started dating. Everything is great except my mom, whom I live with.
Keep in mind before my boyfriend I was practically a forced recluse, given my anxiety attacks in public. And because of that I can understand my mothers hesitation on letting me be the 18 year old I am. I'm pretty sure she thinks if I'm with him more than 8 hours a day, I'll magically end up pregnant (I'm a virgin). I can only see my boyfriend every other day  and have to be home before nine. 
Now most of you would probably vent your feelings straight to you mother but I'm extremely soft spoken, I don't like conflict and I've never been comfortable talking to my mom or anyone in my family for that matter about this type of stuff. 
Lay it on me. What advice do you have? I realize I need to talk to someone but I've not found someone I'm comfortable talking to about stuff like this.