Help! am I imagining things?!?!

Me and the hubby have been on / off trying for a year now and I am so excited / nervous this month.  I am 11 days DPO and 4 days until AF due.  In the last week I have become ravenous and want to eat and taste everything, especially sauces, and I keep getting short bouts of dizziness and nausea.  The nausea is only a few seconds / minutes and I'm never actually sick.  I'm borderline diabetic but tested my blood glucose and it wasn't above the limit when this happened (especially the dizziness) I've also had some light brown spotting the last few days and have noticed my bipples can be randomly quite sensitive, but not very often.  Is it just me fantasising? Creating phantom pregnancy symptoms.  I fear that I am getting my hopes up so high and will be so disappointed next week!