Sex - Red flag? 🔴

I may be over thinking this...  
but lately my husband has been distant. Not a big deal, we have both been busy with work. We haven't had sex in over a month and today he initiated sex because it is my ovulation week. 
Well before TTC we used birth control PLUS the pull out method as a form of contraception. When we did the pull out method (with BC) he loved to finish on my back (sorry for the TMI). 
Well we have been TTC for 4 years now so we haven't done the pull out routine in years.  
When we were having sex today and he was about to finish he pulled the back of my shirt up as if to end there and acted as if he was going to pull out... he paused and then caught himself and finished inside me. 
This really threw me off. Should I be concerned? My mind is going crazy as if he recently did this with someone else which is why he tried it with me. 
Talk me down ladies. My mind is going a million miles a minute.Â