Two Homes = Guilt???

I moved out of my parents house a little over a year ago. My BF and I found an affordable trailer in our college town and decided it was time to move in together. Since then we've moved into a bigger home, our dog has had puppies so we have four dogs now, and we are making a nice little life for ourselves now. However, I sometimes still call my parents house "home" and think of it that way, but my home with my BF is my home too. Thinking of somewhere other than my home with my BF as home makes me feel guilty, as if I'm subconsciously wanting to go back to my parents house. I do miss living there.. just because I miss being a kid and being a grown up is hard. Is it wrong for me to feel guilty about this? I feel like it should be a natural thing to still call my parents house joke but I really don't know if it is normal or not. I googled it and all it came up with was "When to move out of your parents house" and "how to make it on your own as a millennial" lol not very helpful. Some opinions would be appreciated.