what do you think

So I last had sex on the third of august, and for a while now I've been having paranoia about being pregnant, but my period has come 3 cycles since then; once right after on the 5th, then September on the 2nd and again on September on the 29. But I know you can still get your period when you're you pregnant and my paranoia still hasn't gone. I've noticed that I'm urinating a lot but that might just be me, I don't know if I'm supposed to have morning sickness around this time but I don't, there hasn't been any change physically I don't see a bump but it still early isn't it. I did a diy pregnancy test(the bleach one), because I don't have money to buy an actually pregnancy test and it sizzled meaning it positive. I'm gonna do it again to be sure, but what do you guys think?