acne. help!

So I've struggled with acne pretty much right out of high school I'd say. I don't know what to do to help it. I've read that cutting out dairy helps wonders but then I read that people saw no difference. I have a lot of scars on my chin the most and then I have about 5 actual bumps that won't seem to get a white head for me to pop them and let them heal. I can cover them pretty well with my foundation but I would just love to look in the mirror and be like "my skin looks so nice and healthy and CLEAR" instead I just get overwhelmed on how bad my skin looks and it's even been more worse than this. This pictures may not show much but it makes me honestly sad to see my skin looking like this. I've thought about going to a dermatologist but that doesn't always help and I don't have the money to afford to anyways. I need some tips, tricks, and any help I can get 👏🏻