Dagan Nicholas

Dagan Nicholas. 8 lbs 5 oz 20 inches long. My biggest baby and our last. Daddy's first boy, mommy's third.He has four sisters and two brothers. His niece is three weeks older than him. Lol Surgery went amazingly! Afterwards, mommy had some trouble with her heart. But, baby is doing great! This third cesarean section with tuba ligation has proven to be most painful and a bit scary. But, we made it and our beautiful little man has us awe struck! He sleeps usually for two or three hours. Breastfeeding is going great. Hurts me... but he is doing well. Lol Did our immunizations and all tests. Very health baby! Mommy should have done her yoga during pregnancy!! But, she is tough enough to take the pain. I will say... when they give you the paperwork to sign for the "in case of emergency need" standard procedures for c-section.... just tell them to cut a little more rather than use suction or 'the spoons' to get baby out. Yes, it may hurt more, but only a bit and it's so worth it to reduce the risks of such hurting baby's fragile little head. ;)