horrible as a husband 😥

Okay long story short, lately I've felt like my husband just don't give two shit about anybody else's feelings especially mine, first off he's overly obsessed with liking and adding random girls in Facebook, I get multiple messages from girls asking me if I could ask my husband if he can stop liking all the pictures at once, 2 I'm 38 weeks pregnant with HIS daughter and he's not there at all for me especially when I'm in pain like this morning I woke up with horrible contractions and it's was hard for me to walk to the restroom and not once did he ask if I was okay or needed help he stayed his ass on his phone, 3 today is our anniversary and he don't care at all like he told me happy anniversary but I'm the most rudest boring way OVER TEXR MESSAGE, like I feel like I lost my husband a while back cause he used to be so loving and caring and now he just doesn't.. I honestly don't know what to do....