Need some advice

So, I am 18, and my boyfriend is in the military. I won't give details, but I have a bright future with a full ride to college, so I never want to risk getting pregnant. My boyfriend and I are getting married soon, and always have protected sex. The advice I'm asking for is simple. If anyone else knows why I have pain in my lower abdomen, yet I haven't been bleeding (period). My pregnancy test came back negative and I haven't slept with my boyfriend in about 8 weeks because he has been gone to his base for awhile now. He comes home in about 6 weeks. I'm sure I'm not pregnant but could stress be delaying my period? After he left I went off birth control because I knew he wouldn't be here and I am a very busy person, keeping up with the pill is just too much on top of my schedule. Any reason I'm getting these pains?