Will I ever have a healthy baby?


So i have had 2 early but incomplete mc that resulted in a d&c both times. And once the d&c had to be repeated due to a small amount of tissue not being removed the first time. That's 3 total procedures if you're being technical about it. Now I apologize in advance for sounding ignorant because I'm writing with the best intentions but my friend who has had an abortion said that her procedure was also a d&c. Neither of us has any kids.

Now. When I read about this online if I ask google if it's harder to conceive after my mc and d&c there's all sorts of uplifting articles saying that the d&c is one of the most common procedures performed medically in the country. But if you type in whether someone who had an abortion will have a hard time getting a healthy pregnancy there's all sorts of doom & gloom articles. Now I realize I probably jumped down the frigging rabbit hole doing both searches but I research for a living so it's just my way.

So what I'm asking is why are there different sets of information following the same procedure. Should I be scared that I'll never get a sticky baby? I mean I already am worried with all my past trouble. Are these differences in info a result of politics? My doctor has reassured me as much as she can without making promises. Ugh. Anyways. Any help unraveling my brain would be great.