
I woke up at 5:00am this morning. I felt like i peed myself so i rushed to the bathroom. A gush of bright red blood came out. I started crying. I had been fine prior to this. My husband has become a light sleeper since my pregnancy. He came to the door and asked if i was ok. He heard me crying and came in asking what was wrong. I started sobing saying lets go to the ED im bleeding a lot. Im 12 weeks and i had started telling close people im pregnant since i had passed the first trimester. I called my doctor and she asked me if i was cramping and i told her yes . I had started to feel light pain on my left side. She told me to wait until the clinic opens and come in and not to go into the ED. I decided to wait since the ED takes hours anyways. My husband and I cried and prayed. There was two hours till the clinic opened. So many negative things were going through my head... i started blaming myself. At 7:30 we were seen and they took a urine sample and said they will check heart and do a pelvic exam. My babies heart beat is a strong 160bpm. I started crying i was so happy to hear it. Everything was normal! I had never felt so much stress and then relief. I am so thankful. The bleeding changed to a brown discharge later in the day and became very light.