3 wks nightly cramping

I just found out I was pregnant Monday. I had abnormal bleeding about a week ago, so called the doctor and they told me to come in if I tested positive on pregnancy test. I haven't missed my period yet but somehow the test was positive. I had an ultrasound Monday because the doctor was worried about the bleeding. All the ultrasound showed was a thick uterine lining and my HCG and Progesterone levels were good based on a blood test. Doctor said it was probably implantation bleeding. With all that being said....I am supposed to start my period this weekend and my cramps are getting worse as it gets closer. I only get cramps at night. During the day I feel great! Its my first pregnancy so I don't know what's normal. I go back to the doctor on the 17 for another ultrasound. I'm hoping everything is okay! Is only cramping at night normal? Should I be worried that some cramps are a lot worse than others?