IVF tentative start date DECEMBER

Heather • TTC for 2+ years, 1 MC, male factor infertility. IVF in process with a December start date.

 I met with my fertility specialist today and we are looking at December start date. January will be 2 years of working with a specialist. My hubby has low sperm count so we were trying everything we could to increase his numbers. Anyways, nothing worked so here we are. My cycle starts in couple days then CD 2,3 or 4 I need to have some blood work. Then I believe CD2 I will start BC pills. Oct 27 I have to have a hysterscopy AGAIN, I had some fibroids removed and she wants to make sure they haven't returned. During this time she will do a mock transfer and find the perfect spot for my embryo. I am excited to finally get a schedule going. It's kind of funny how every month I hope AF doesn't arrive, and now here I am anxiously awaiting her arrival. Anyone else looking at a December start date?!?!