How do I do this without being mean?

Well, my bf and i had a beautiful baby boy at the beginning of Sept. 8 pounds 12 oz.

The delivery was pretty easy but i did have some tearing and my midwife gave me some stitches. And i did get a bad hemorrhoid that is just now almost gone. It's only been 4 weeks since i had Andrew and my boyfriend everyday ... talks about how he cant wait to have sex again. He says it multiple times a day and usually i dont say anything back to him. If i do i tell him i can't and he says i know but im going crazy.

Most of the time I don't say anything because i dont want to end up being mean and saying something that i will regret. I JUST had a baby and he promised me he would be understanding about not being able to have sex after having him.

All while i was pregnant i told him how it was a concern of mine...because he would be waiting a while before sex again... he promised he would be okay. He promised he would be understanding. He told me right after giving birth. He wouldn't even be able to look at me sexually after seeing me push him out...but now here it is and within days of having him has been telling me how he wants to have sex.

Any suggestions on how to talk about it without being mean?