No Sperm


Last August, after a year of TTC, my husband and I went to many doctors to find that my husband isn't producing sperm. He had a surgery in March, vericocele ligation, because his vericocele veins were swollen. This surgery is supposed to improve sperm production for those with a low sperm count. My husband doesn't produce any, though. So our doctor recommended this surgery before the TESE surgery, so we have improved chances of finding sperm. That surgery is where they go in and actually extract sperm, if there is any to get, so that we may try <a href="">IVF</a>. We are just over the 6 month mark for our year wait after the ligation surgery. If there is still no sperm come next March we can decide to do the TESE surgery. I'm just sharing our story because there is not much information or discussion about no sperm situations. We feel alone and just didn't know if anyone else on here was in our situation.

We often question why this happened to us. We are both teachers and love kids. We've been married over three years and we've done "everything right" so to speak. So, why us? Well, maybe it's for us to be a success story someday to share with others in our situation, or maybe we'll be blessed with babies that needed good parents.

Regardless, I hope that if anyone else is in this situation, maybe I've helped them not feel alone! It feels good to share!