really irritated

Two weeks ago I had an appointment at my OBGYN's and he couldn't get a good measurement of the baby so he told me to go to radiology and set up a scan to date the pregnancy and to set up my anatomy scan. I did this but when I made my appointment for the first scan the man seemed confused but called OB to figure it out and seemed fine after that. I had my dating scan a week later and everything went fine. I've been getting excited about my anatomy scan but after making 3 appointments two weeks ago I couldn't remember an appointment so I called radiology today to figure it out but they said they don't have an appointment in there for me nor do they have an order for an anatomy scan. So now on Tuesday I have to call OB to see if they can put in an order so I can make an appointment and hope they can get me in soon so I can make sure there's no abnormalities and so I  know if I'll have my little Zoe or little Karson in March. So frustrated 😡