
My stepsister and my brother both have kids and I got to exsperience 2 very different ways and I thought my exsperience seeing my brothers kid was way more enjoyable then seeing my stepsisters. This is going to be a little bit of a rant so please Bear with me . My stepsister went into labor on a Thursday morning and didn't give birth until 2am on a Friday morning I was a junior in high school with finals the next day , my stepmom called my dad because she was with her daughter and said that we needed to come down to the hospital because she was progressing ya which was going from a 2-3 cm dialated , so we head up there after I just got home from school and we sat in the lobby/waiting room of the hospital to just find out that she didn't want anyone coming back to see her because she was sick and in pain which I totally understand , when I'm in pain or not feeling good don't mess with me either , so we all waited and waited and no one was telling us what was going on , I told my dad that it was getting late and that we should head home because I have school in the morning my stepmom threw a fit about what I said because she thought I was just bored and didn't want to wait and let my dad see the baby ya that's totally what I was saying. So we waited another 2 hours and we were told by my stepsister husband that she was getting ready to push it was almost 12 and she pushed for 2 hours and he was born , her friends showed up and complained about wanting to see the baby first because they have a long day tomorrow . So it's finally time for us to go see the baby and she let 2 people back at a time moms, then dads, and because I'm the step sibling I went after her friends that got there a hour ago and when it was my turn to see the baby my stepsister said she felt over stimulated and didn't want anyone else for the day I was pissed and said ok can I go home now so I can pass my finals and I said it in front of my stepmom and she threw a fit and we finally left and got home at 2am and I wake up at 6 for drill team practice in the morning so my exsperience was horrible , but with my brother he told us when she was in labor that we should wait till the next day to visit and I got to hold my nephew for so long and I enjoyed every second and he was precious and no one pushing me to hurry. So with my baby I will be having visitors the next day because I want time with my baby but grandparents will be there to hold her the day of but all on my terms that will be told way before my baby is here.