I feel like I'm addicted to sex with my boyfriend an it's bad😒

I really really need to learn how to control my damn self but I can't! Don't get me wrong with my boyfriend not all I want from him is sex it's way more then that I love this man with all my heart but he can control himself but I can't I'm like dick then I will be touching it and stuff when we just had sex 2 times in one day. At night I admit I get very horny I really have no idea why I just do an wear a bra and panties to get him in the mood but he just doesn't really seem to care and just goes to sleep lol like the first time we will do it and then he won't be in the mood like later on in the day an then I wanna do it again it will be like this like if we're apart I'm like damn I need sex an then when I'm with him we do it once an then I wanna do it again at the most randomness times. Please tell me I'm not the only one I need to control myself but I don't know how 🙄