Lactation Consultant

Thursday I went to see a Lactation Culstant due to our family doctor not satisfied enough with how much weight my daughter had gained in the 2 week duration we hadn't been there. The reason for this being is because when I would nurse her, (with her laying on her side in my arms, cradle-wise), she would spit up profusl, basically everything she would nurse. So she hadn't quite gained a full pound. Maybe 4oz shy of it in fact.
So we went to the lactation consultant (LC), and she was great! Showed us the football hold with her butt down as far as it would go with extra pillow support. And my daughter did great, and has been since going there! Hardly any spit up at all!!! 😃😁😬
The LC then told me to lower the amount of times I pump per day total from 5-6, to 2-3. 😡😱😩... like seriously? Obviously I can't just do that cold turkey. I work hard during the day to pump all the extra out so that I have a damn good supply for when I go back to work, and my daughter has something to use during the day at daycare and when at home with her dad, my SO. She said that reducing the amount of pumps per day from where I am at, is to help with her spitting up so much.
But what I don't get, is that if she is doing good with this new position, why can't I keep pumping the way I want to? The last time I pumped was around 8 oclock last night, I slept through my alram and turn it off at 1am to get up to pump and just pump at 3am, and got 8oz total. When I woke up my breasts were starting to hurt, and I don't think I can handle not being able to pump when I want to due to the fact that my daughter sleeps all the time. How am I suppose to reduce my times of pumping???
Help!?!?! 😩😱😩😱😰😥😢