I think I'm going a bit crazy period or not

Well a week ago , I experienced cramping . It wasn't no where near time for my cycle . Just 2 days ago experience the same thing with cramping . Wednesday night felt cramping I said well Dec 26 is my cycle day . It's maybe early used the bathroom. Nothing on the pad , but I wiped that's the time I seen the blood , and I did poop tmi sorry . I have little to no , cramping but it is their . Use the bathroom just now some blood not much, wipe seen blood . Usally I bleed heavy this is light . The color is red looks mix with pink . Me personally I just think it's pre period ; then again I feel maybe not . Possibly all in my head . On the pad nothing the first time. Then just now , a brown circle spot something compared to a penny if that . I had a dream me being pregnant. The doctor told me in the dream . I had a positive urine and was a month pregnant.