What is wrong with people?!!

While grocery shopping today I was baby wearing my lo in the boba. She was starting to get fussy, as she had been fighting her nap most of the time at the store. (Usually, she falls right asleep). As I was grabbing my last few items on the list she started to cry. An older woman then approached me and said "Wow, i think she's hungry! You should probably take her out of that thing and feed her" Mind you she had just been fed 20 mins prior, so I just rolled my eyes knowing fair well she was not hungry. The lady then responded again with "I'm sure you love it when strangers tell you how to care for your child". At this point I felt like throwing my fruit at her lol but withheld and walked away before I lost my temper. What have you Mommas heard from strangers about caring for your kids??..