need advice

Hey ladies ( please no judgement) well I need some advice. I could be very impulsive and I'm trying to control that. I'll be 29 this years. 2 kids one 9 one 6 and almost 5 weeks pregnant. (Divorced from last Kid's father) I have an amazing man yes. But we are not married. We planned/discussed on marriage and having a baby. But nothing was truly set in stone. Just something we discussed and both wantedWell the pregnancy happened first. My hormones have been really bad. Very moody and very sad it comes in waves. I guess what bothers me is that we're not married. But we're pregnant. My last marriage happened because of the kids thought it was the right thing to do. Although I truly didn't love him in that way. Now I am in love and I know he loves me. But it worries me to have another child and we're not even married. (I know should've thought if this first huh) I'm just truly stressing myself out. My friend told me not to say anything and just see what hapoens. But I would truly like to know where's this going. I guess I just need some advice, if I should bring up the topic or not.  I don't want to seem controlling or pushy. Marriage and a child was something he always brought up. He has a soon to be 7 yr old and he was married when he had her. Our relationship is great and I don't want to ruin it. I wasn't rushing for marriage nor the baby but here I am pregnant and I'm unsure as to what he wants the next move to be