Controlling boyfriend or just concerned?

I went to my bestfriends wedding yesterday and got drunk at the end of the wedding. My phone died and lost my charger in the mess of getting ready. (I was the made of honer)
My brother is staying in the same hotel as me. My mother went too and shared a room with me. She left the wedding early with my kids, so my brother drove me back to the hotel.
Was about 11 at night. I passed out and didn't call him. 
My boyfriend stayed home for work. I messaged him on fb the next morning.
He went on a rant saying " you did exactly what I told you not to do"
Which was get drunk and lose contact with him.
He freaks out everytime I go todo something like this. 
I am sorry I did not call him and made him worry. 
But at what point is this to controlling? 
He starts accusing me and questioning what I did, like I cheated on him. Its so frustrating. 
I ended up leaving him, I hope I did not make a mistake.