16 Days Late 😳

Kennedy • 🎀💕💜
So just a little back story; I'm aware condoms aren't 100% effective. I'm not on BC. On the 19th of August I had my period. It lasted five days like normal. Several times between then and now I have had sex. My apparent fertile window was the 4th-10th of October. My period was due on the 23rd. It didn't common and still hasn't. Since then, I've had many many symptoms. Normally I have no PMS symptoms. For the past two weeks, I have been moody, bloated-and not just a normal kind of bloated, it's my lower abdomen that's really bloated...normally when and if I bloat it's my whole stomach area, I'm so tired, my back and pelvis ache a lot, I'm always hot, I've been having weird dreams, my boobs are super super sore and they have grown a lot, but, here is the catch, I've taken two tests. One on the 29th of September, and one on the 30th. Both negative. Could I just have gotten false readings? I am almost sure the second was inacuarrate because the control like wasn't even there. Also, a little tmi-white creamy CM is like all over the place. Not literally but there's a large amount of it! Can someone please give me some advice? I know I should retest but is it just going to be another false negative?

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