First time Pregnant - Empathy Circle

Hello ladies!! 
I want to start an online empathy group for women who are pregnant for the first time and feel like they'd love some 'empathic woman to woman support and care'.
I am almost 10 weeks pregnant, have had little to no extreme physical symptoms and yet, it's been  tough emotionally! I didn't want a child but my husband really did and after a lot of conversations I realised that he was not going to change his mind and would be miserable without a child! I really love him and wanted to make the marriage work (we are happy generally), so I agreed! And here I am 10 weeks along! 
Although I said yes wholeheartedly, a part of me has been sad and resistant. I feel like many people don't get this part of me. In their worldview, there is no space for sadness, doubt or displeasure here. It's all amazing!
It's been a blessing to have my best friend to talk to, serendipitously she is pregnant at 9 weeks too!!!!
We both thought it would be great to be a part of a small (8 woman) online group that met up via hangouts every two weeks, where each woman has space to share how she is, unfiltered and be accepted and supported completely. A space where we can support each other to discover our highest future selves. Where we can explore how we may each take on this change and step into being our best selves. 
Are you called?  Let me know and we can get this 'warm and yummy as hot chocolate on a cold morning' group going!