How much does your two month old weigh?


My girl is somewhere between 10 pounds and 10 pounds 6 ounces. (I'm weighing her with my bathroom scale while holding her and then subtracting my weight since we haven't gone to her 2 month appointment yet)

At birth she was 7 pounds 11 ounces. At 9 days old she was 7 pounds 13 ounces. And at her 1 month appointment she was 9 pounds 7 ounces. So her weight gain has slowed a lot I think and I'm worried!

She's been in the higher percentages for height so far (92nd and 89th) at both appointments. And her weight has always been in the middle (52nd-53rd) now it's dropped down to like 25th percentile! 😝

For a few days she would have plenty of wet diapers and then not poop for 2 days. Then she would get fussy, we'd give her gripe water, and then she would poop and be fine.

I'm breast feeding and have flat nipples, so she does get annoyed when I feed her. But I went back to work a week ago and she's been getting bottles too. In the 7 hours I'm gone she normally only eats one three ounce bottle. I feed her before I leave and usually not long after I get home. But up until this past week she has only been eating 2 ounce bottles at a time. But my supply has gone up a little and she is now at 3-3.5 ounces for most bottle feeds at least. I let her eat until she stops latching and then I burp her and keep trying to make her which pisses her off 😂

But I am afraid her pediatrician is going to make us start supplementing since she hasn't gained that much in the past month.
