Crazy mother.... :/ rant


So my mom is bi polar. And has picked up a drinking problem in the last year or so. (It runs deep in our family)

My mom and dad just moved back to our home state...Indiana. And my mom has since gone off the deep end. She says she misseS FL (where me and my brother live) and wants to come back. Despite the fact she HATED it while where. Anyways. The day I found out I was pregnant (2...3 months ago?) she went into an episode and was drinking, driving and started to drive to FL. My dad rounded her up eventually and got her to stay home and whatnot.

So my dads on a business trip in Detroit and my mom called me this afternoon and said she was on her way. Which was super weird cause 1, random. 2, she had told me on previous phone call that she was So sick yesterday she almost went to ER. and 3, when I asked if my dad knew she said no...she's gonna tell him when he makes it to Detroit.

Immediately I'm, you need to stay home and get healthy. And I even said how weird it was she didn't tell me dad who literally just left for Detroit.

Anyways. I had to get off phone and I texted my dad immediately. I'm practically crying in the grocery store because I just got back from vacation and am exhausted plus can't afford to take more time off work to deal with her...

My dad said he think he managed to get her to go home.... About 2 hours ago.

And then my brother just called me and said he was on the phone with her for 20 min and "think he managed to get her to go home"

So at this point who knows. I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted. I Jsut want a normal mom. She asked if she could be in the delivery room and I don't even want her around me at all on general. I love my mom but she's completely different from who she used to be...

This past December I got married and my whole family who are spread across the US flew in to Indiana to be there for it and also spend christmas together. My sister and her husband ended up staying for a month while they were in a transition with a house ordeal(they have two little girls...who my mom is always whining about not getting to see often) but while they were there my mom didn't spend much time with then and one day my sisters husband found her KO-ed in one of the rooms passed out from drinking.

I wanted to move back to be near family with our baby. But each time my mom does this it just makes me realize how toxic she is...and I hate it.