So I recently found out I am pregnant. This is my first pregnancy so of course I am scared to death. I had my bloodwork drawn and just found out today I am definitely pregnant but my progesterone is low. I am around 4 - 5 weeks. My levels were at an 8.9 and the doctor said that due to how far along I am they like to see it at a 10 and up right now. They put me on progesterone suppositories and I have to take them vaginally once a day at bedtime. I am so scared. I don't want to lose the baby. My husband and I are so excited. Yes, it was a surprise but now that it has somewhat sunk in we are happy and thrilled. I am just so upset that my levels are low. On top of that I don't know if I'm even putting it in right. Lol. TMI. But I am having major discharge and it is taking like half an hour to 45 minutes to dissolve. Ugh.  Has anyone gone through this? Can you please give me any input? Thanks!