Feeling movement!!


I'm about halfway through my 16th week and I've been feeling more and more movement lately. I first felt the baby at almost 13wks- felt like a string of bubbles. Now they are feeling like gentle little pokes that happen every once in awhile. I love the feeling! It's so exciting to feel baby move and to get that reminder 💕 anyone else feeling baby? What do you think it feels like?
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Anyone now feeling the baby push or stretch out? I've been feeling more moments of pressure in my abdomen than quick kicks (I feel these too but the pushing is new!). Just curious if anyone is feeling the same? I'm now 19wks.


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Same! I'm 16 weeks and 3 days and I've been feeling movement since 16 weeks. To me it feels like a bubble and then it feels like it pops under my skin. But he is probably kicking or moving his arms around. I still can only feel it while lying down and being still but my husband was able to feel it too on Tuesday. It's a weird feeling but pretty cool