Tried telling my bf I'm asexual

I asked him how he felt about lgbt+ and he went on a tangent about how he hates all the "extra letters" and googled the list and started reading all of them and judging all of them with the exception of lesbian, gay or bisexual. 
He always asks me why I never want anything done to me and I always tell him because I don't feel comfortable with it and I don't. I dislike anything that happens with sex but I do please him every so often just to make him happy but he hasn't noticed at all that I never bring up anything with sex to him he always starts it and I just go along with it up until a certain point.
I was talking to a close friend of mine today and I told her about it and she was perfectly okay if it and understood so I figured I'd tell my bf too but I couldn't and now I'm scared to.
 How did you guys tell your SO if you have and how do you deal with it? 
*edit: I didn't know what asexual was when I started dating him I just thought I hadn't  found the right person to make me feel like I wanted sex. I see that that wasn't the case.