Do you remember how you conceived?

So I have 3 handsome, respectful and smart little boys. Ages 10 3/4, 9 and 4. I'll be 28 on Friday and my S/O and I agreed that we would no longer try to conceive after I turn 30. Seeing how I was 16 and pregnant with my first child I didn't want to spend my whole life raising children because we started so young. BUT we both agree we REALLY want a daughter. 4 kids is our limit, and we already have 3 boys. Anyways, just curious as to how any of you conceived your little princesses? Positions? The day it fell on your cycle? Foods? Vitamins? Whatever you remember lol. I've looked up so many different "methods" but they all seem to be chance or luck and not very scientific. Help this momma out!!! Will be actively TTC in January 2017 👶🏽👶🏽😍😍