Bad smell coming from my APT bathroom?!!?!?

Gabriela • First time mom. 23. Due 06.26.17
I moved into my apartment 3 months ago. When I first moved in their were a few issues but the issue I will talk about now wasn't present. About a month now, I have been smelling this weired odor in the bathroom. It is so strong, that I can instantly smell it when I go in. I thought at first it was the shower doors that  had mold, but that was cleaned. Now I believe it might be coming from the vent in the bathroom. I have talked to the people from the apartment building, and they sopossably have come and tried to fix it, but the smell still remains. I am very worried about this, and don't know what else to do. Pleaseee can someone advise. I don't want to keep annoying the apartment people but their is an OBVIOUS smell.
Thank you