My birth story

Well I had my baby girl on the 26th of September I was scheduled for an induction at 37week due to cholestasis of pregnancy I went in not knowing what to expect as a first time mother no one knows well I was scheduled at 1pm I didn't end up getting a room till 6 pm by then I was already annoyed how do they schedule you for 1pm yet not have a room for you till 6 pm but I remained calm and went with the flow by 6:30 a nurse came in to tell me that they where going to use a balloon to open me to 4cm I was all for it anything to get my baby out and alive by 7pm two doctors came in to put the balloon in I must admit the pain to get that thing up to my cervix was horrid I felt like my vagina was tearing apart after trying to put it up there once and being un successful they called another doctor to come insert it now the second attempt the doctor wanted to check my cervix first to see how it was he then says your cervix is tilted and he jabbed that thing in and successfully placed it and said it would come out on its own when I've dilated to a 4 now it was 8:30pm I was I'm pain cause having something shoved up there was not comfortable but laboring slowly but happy that I was one step closer to my baby by 4am I woke up from a nap and had to use the restroom as soon as I sat down the balloon fell out and I was excited because now it was time to start the pitocin by 430am a nurse came in to start the pitocin I labored pretty well for a while then the contractions started getting more intense by 6am I was only at 5 and then the contractions got to two min apart and I couldn't stand them but u stuck it through the nurses let me labor all the way till 3pm then a nurse came to check my progress I was only at a 6 then she said if I wasn't at a 7 by the next two hours that the doctor was gonna have a talk with me by 5pm a nurse came to check and I was still at a 6 so the doctor came to speak with me and said I needed to go to and have a C-section because I had been on the highest dose of pitocin for more than 4 hours and I didn't dilate at all my heart sank at that point my perfect vision of having my baby born naturaly was gone but anything to get my baby here safe right fast forward to the or the doctor checked my cervix then I hear him yelling and upset at the nurses because all I labored for 23 hours and I would of never been able to have my baby natural any way because of my tilted cervix so I labored for no reason but despite all the hard times I was having my beautiful baby girl Natalie rose came to this world September 26 2016 at 5:30pm weighing 5pounds 15 oz 18inches long beautiful and healthy :)