PLEASE HELP! Do I test??

Tamara w. • 30, 👦🏼 Sept 16 2013, 👼🏼 Oct 2014, 🌈👧🏼 March 04 2016, baby #3 due Nov 2018
So I've just realized that if I count my cycle as beginning from the day of my D&C (assuming it is a normal cycle) AF would be due Jan 1st. We started BDing exactly 1 week after the procedure and have been doing it regularly. I didn't bleed at all after the procedure. Here's my dilemma.. Do I test on Jan 1st if AF hasn't shown or do I wait longer to avoid unecessary disappointment? I know everyone is different but this is my first m/c so I don't know how to read my poor broken body.. Please help!!

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I have just had my period after my miscarriage. It was 6 weeks after my m/c and 5 weeks after the D&C.Everyone is different, so it's hard to tell. I was told HCG will stay high for quite a while, so it is also possible to get a bfp from residual hormones.Practical advice would be to wait a touch longer, but we all know how hard that is! Wishing you all the best!!!


Tamara w. • Dec 27, 2014
Thank you for your reply!!


Spec • Dec 27, 2014
...I know I'd end up testing, but keep in your mind that a bfn might be a 'false' because it's too early to test.


Spec • Dec 27, 2014
It's such a horrible time, and there doesn't seem to be any answers because it is all so different....


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Any past experiences??