Blocked cervix

I went in today to have a polyp removed from inside uterus...when I came to and saw the ob/gyn he told me he could not get into the cervix to remove the polyp cause it was blocked. He tried to push twice, the 2nd time with thinner instrument still nothing...he did not want to risk a harder push and damage the back of the uterus...he said i could have been born with it or it is a scar tissue caused by injury...and the only way to make sure or confirm eithrr; i must ask my previous ob/gyn to send me a copy of the video ( i hope he has recorded it) and i will also take my new gyno my last Hsg xrays so he can aee any changes or to check what the previous ones have missed...what a luck!!!!! 43ttc...everytime something is coming up..too much emotional challenge stress...I keep wondering when will i have a family of my own...i really do not want to think of being if i ever will have...