Never too young...or old

Ms. A • I'm a single mother of 2 girls
I apologize if this isn't the sort of post that should be, my oldest daughter is 18 and I have spent the last 4 days with her at the hospital. My sister took her to the ER Sunday morning...I was there about 20 minutes later...because her face was swollen, she was having trouble swallowing & breathing, had a low-grade fever & hadn't really eaten since Friday. It scared me to death!! I stayed with her Sunday night & let me tell do NOT sleep in the hospital!! Those nurses & techs were in and out of her room every 45 minutes. She had some kind of infection in her face from what they think was from a root canal she had done 4yrs ago. I brought her home today, thank God, but now she has to get in with a dental surgeon that will hopefully accept her insurance. That is something I hope & pray that I never, EVER have to go thru again!!