Am I too young to have a baby?


I have been with my bf for 2 years I got pregnant when we first met I was 18 and it was my first semester in college I lived in the dorms. He was 22 and was a grad student living in a frat house pretty much. I miscarried at 11 weeks ? I was a little relieved though because we both never planned it and we weren't in a good situation for the baby. Now he feels bad and is telling me he wants to plan to have a baby and even get married I have 2 years of school and a part time retail job he has a fulltime job at an architecture firm and  1 year left until his masters we moved in to an apartment together in the city I do love him but I'm really nervous and kind of uncomfortable I would want a baby I just don't know I'm really confused.

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Posted at
If you have to ask strangers this Q about somthing so life changing then I doubt it's the right time for you hun. Carry on with your studies and live a bit more then settle down and have kiddies there is no rush. 


H • Dec 27, 2014
Lol I just don't know I'm really confused about all of this... It was just like a huge question he dropped on me


Posted at
I think maybe you guys should finish school, it's only one year right? And then really I don't see why not if you're both ready. If you're not ready for a baby then don't do it yet, you're still so young :)


H • Dec 27, 2014
Yeah that's what I was thinking lol thanks though


Posted at
I say "whatever happens, happens." God is in control, He knows when the right time for you is... He doesn't give you anything He knows you can't handle...


Posted at
It sounds like you're not ready. You're in college working towards a degree and also working a part time job.  You're 18. You should be doing exactly what you're doing and just living life. Enjoy being young. You guys have plenty of time to settle down and have a baby.  A baby changes everything. It's hard to put your dreams on hold and go back to them later on. Finish it up and get it out of the way. Then have a baby. That way you won't feel that you missed out on anything and you can both be prepared emotionally, mentally and finically to give the baby the life he or she deserves 


Posted at
I would say wait till your done with school. If he wants to marry you and you want to marry him then do that before you have a baby. Chances are if you get pregnant while in school you won't graduate. So graduate, get married THEN have a baby. By that time you will both have jobs and be100% that you want to be together. Plus if your questioning if you should have a baby or not. That should also give you your answer... NO 


H • Dec 27, 2014
Yeah true ... Lol I'm asking glow but glad I did u ladies are a ton of help thanks!!


Posted at
If y'all have a home and jobs to support the baby then I don't see why not. I believe you are old enough to bring a bundle of joy into yalls life. I wish you the best of luck ?


H • Dec 27, 2014
Thank you ?


Posted at
I say go for it. Y'all are OBVIOUSLY financially stable enough, and love one another very much... The question is, are YOU ready?


Nicole Marie • Dec 28, 2014
Then wait until both of you finish school, y'all are almost done anyway. Wait to see how you feel then. Good luck, girly.


H • Dec 27, 2014
Aha I'm not sure if I'm ready that's what I'm trying to figure out lol thank you though


Posted at
Finish school, establish yourselves first and then decide to have a child. If yu wait you could offer your child more stability and a possibly a better life. Why rush it?


Posted at
A baby is something you need to be sure about because that's a choice you will live with for the rest of your life. It seems like there's a doubt in your mind- so please wait. I lost a baby during pregnancey when I was sixteen. So I know what it's like to want another one.. But you both need to be ready. Physically emotionally spiritually and financially. 


Alyssa • Dec 29, 2014
I say just be young and have fun couple time :) once the kids come u guys will never be alone


Posted at
I think your poll is a little confusing. Your yes or no answers are for A: you are to young orB: should i have a baby with this guyMy answer to A is yes you are too young  and my amswer to B is No do not have a child with this guy!! 


H • Dec 27, 2014
Lol sorry I meant yes or no am I too young and explain why u choose that thanks for the feedback