Frustrated with my body. Any advice to get back into shape.

I have always been on the average side of weight, but now I can't fit into anything! My belly and hips are so chubby and flabby that I am so ashamed of myself. My first daughter is 5 and my second is 8 months. After our second daughter I struggled with anxiety and was put on an ssri, I gained 12lbs in 3 weeks. I got off the medication and ended up accidentally getting pregnant again (condom got stuck, hubby had already went, and I was on birth control) which sadly ended up ectopic and I had surgery to remove my baby and my tub. All of this and I look and feel horrible. I have no problem with my stretch marks, it's just my flabby unporportioned belly. I'm 5'0" and weigh 193. I started counting calories and walking about 2 weeks ago and my starting weight was 199. I'm incredibly blessed to have my girls and I cherish that I was able to carry them and have an amazing bond, but I have never felt so low with my body image. Any advice to help with my belly flab?