
I'm expecting a boy in Feb and every name I liked my husband hated, and every name he liked I disliked with a passion. He's an old traditional man and believes a boy should have a strong name and not some cute name like Kaiden (various spelling I like that way though) or anything with a 'den' 'len' at the end. Ex/ Jaden, Kailen, Jaylen, Aiden and so on. Me I think they're cute but a bit to common now. I like unique and different names like Castiel, Killian, Rein, Phoenix just to name a few. But what sucks the most is he won't let me pick a first name, only the middle. he wants it to be between Lucas and Ryland and tried to get me hooked on Vincent or Victor. They're nice names and all but just not for me. And what kills me is he won't let me name our son but he got to name our daughter with no hesitation or fights. Her name is unique and beautiful like she is, it's Kirse. (Kir-say) and I feel her brother should have the same. I just feel like I'm doing all the work and will be doing more when he decides to make his debut. And after that. I think I should have more say so in my children's name. I'm half tempted to write whatever I want on the birth certificate when he's born and he'll just have to deal with it.