Need to get on Birth Control

Ellie • 17 years old aspiring artists!!
My friends are constantly coming to me for consolation after they have sex. I have a lot of experience and feel comfortable talking to them about sex. They all use condoms, but still freak out that they may be pregnant. I told my friend today she needed to start birth control, but her boyfriend said he didn't understand why she would need to go on it. Obviously I was frustrated and told her if he is this ignorant maybe they should not be having sex (until they are both education). The majority of my friends are 18 and I am 17. How can I explain to my friends by using condoms you are practicing safe sex, and birth control, or another form of contraceptive is the smartest decision for a sexually active woman to make? Also, why are they always worried they may be pregnant? Does this mean they aren't mature enough to have sex?