anyone able to see something on a ultrasound ..

Nicole Skylar • 22 | Muva to a queen 🎀 11.18.15 ; expecting #2 ✨ | engaged 💕
I've had some cramping if I was to rate it 1 -10 I would say it's at a 4ish with the pain & no bleeding I'm 4 weeks today & my doctor took my HCG levels the other day which great news have doubled & she schedule an ultrasound next week to see where the pregnancy is praying it's not an eptopic pregnancy , I was wondering if anyone had an ultrasound done around 5 weeks & saw something ? I know it won't have a heartbeat but I want to know if you can atleast see where the pregnancy is located ? I'm so nervous this is my second pregnancy & im praying it's healthy !