My boyfriend said he wishes my boobs were bigger... please help

I am really really hurt. I know maybe I should look past it, but he said he wishes my boobs and ass were bigger. He's said things like this a lot in the past, but never this blunt. He wasn't trying to insult me, he said it like he was just stating a casual desire. As though I was doing something he didn't like and he wanted me to change it. As though... I had control over it. He justified it by saying "Well, it's in human nature. I wouldn't be mad if you wanted my dick to be bigger." I can't do anything sexual with him any time soon and I feel in someway disgusting or unfit. I know it wasn't that big a deal, so why am I so depressed and deflated? I can barely speak with him. I'm not really mad, I'm just self-conscious. I feel humiliated. I have my body to him. I let him see my body, which I'm already really insecure about, and instead of it being intimate he made me feel terrible about myself. What do you think I should do? Do I have a right to be mad?