First ultrasound

When did you get your first ultrasound? I've never had normal periods and we weren't TTC so I don't know exactly how far I am. Im thinking around 7 or 8 weeks because I know my last period was either the last week or next to least week of august but I had my first Dr appointment this past Tuesday and he said he wanted to wait 2 more weeks for an ultrasound. He thinks I'm not far enough to see anything. I'm so impatient and just wish they would have done one Tuesday and another one in 2 weeks if they need to. I hate not knowing exactly how far I am or my due date or if there's only 1 baby. I've been having dreams of having twins even before I found out I'm pregnant and some of my symptoms make me think it might be twins but my husband doesn't believe me. Anyone else still waiting impatiently for the first ultrasound?