TMI should i get this checked out?

okay so im 18 and i missed my period that was supposed to be the first week of october. i took a test and it was positive and i had weird cramps that were not like period cramps, and my boobs were super super tender! i figured it was true and so today i went to get it confirmed. when i peed in the cup (bc they couldnt get my blood and i looked terrified) i wiped and there was brown discharge. i  igured it was normal but then when j got home it turned into bleeding. i put on a pad and for about 5 hours there ended up being only a little bit of blood on the pad. however: whenever i wemt to pee which was like four or five times, i would drip blood and what seemed to be tiny blood clots. it just happened again so i took a pic.... what do you think this could be?? its not acting like my normal periods because those are heavier and the clots are much much bigger!