She's here !


My daughter finally came home to me !♡ So many complications but it was all worth it!

So basically 10/11 *39weeks* I started having horrible contractions & lost my mucus plug so that night I went to L&D just to find out I was only dilated 1-2cm. From 10/11 to 10/12 I had contractions ALL DAY ALL NIGHT NON STOP. There was no stopping these contractions so I suffered through them for a whole day. Finally 10/13 at 12am I have had it, I'm crying and in so much pain so I come back to L&D. Started at 3cm dilated and within the next hour jumped to 4cm. I got admitted!(: Hours go by, I already have my epidural going. The whole time my baby's heart rate is fast, baseline of 170, and my contractions are starting to slow down. Around 11am I'm about 6cm dilated. 3 hours go by I'm finally at 7cm.. baby's heart is still beating fast so they couldn't give me anything to speed up my contractions . I wasn't dilating fast enough for my lovely, soon enough her heart will just gice up on us, so worst comes to worst, emergency c section. By now everything is being rushed... now finally they got her out, only a couple things, they used forceps , a vacuum and still had a hard time getting her out (she was bigger than they thought)!! She was finally out not breathing, not moving, not crying. At last , I finally heard her cries and I fell in love ♡ I present to you , Kylie Love Sanchez! Born 10/13/16 , 7lbs , 19 inches.