I think my husband is bipolar

I think my husband is bipolar.   He does have some ptsd due to being deployed.  He can just be so mean to me and our son. He isn't physical but verbally and acts out by throwing things.  He took a toy of our sons and smashed it in front of him.  It breaks my heart that did that since he just got it for his birthday.  We also just moved to this new place so not everything is put away.  He is never home to help me do anything.  He sat and yelled at me how messy our place was and so on.  I work full time, take care of our 4 year old, and I'm 31 weeks and have had some complications.  (Ended up with an infection that caused some early labor, he wouldn't come home to help me.  Instead stayed at his friends farm an hour away so he could hunt that week).  This could be hormonal reaction my part but I'm really thinking of leaving.  I love him and have been with him since I was 16. He just can be so mean and just never apologizes for his actions.  I just he was like himself when we started dating.  He was so nice then he joined the marine corps and became such a jerk.
After doing research it is most definitely his ptsd.  He isn't in any treatment yet but I will be having that very uncomfortable conversation with him telling him he needs help.  He has never been physically abusive and I know he would never mean to hurt me or our children.  Ptsd makes him have this evil monster inside him. He needs the help.  I am going to make him contact the VA very soon.  I don't want to end things because of this. He cannot help it but he needs the proper help!