Paragard (copper IUD) and late period

I'm wrtiting this post because there are many of you guys who have paragard and maybe have had a pregnancy scare because your period is super late. 
(Ive had the IUD for a year and have always been regular)
I had been pretty active throughout the month 😉 and like always, was checking my <a href="">Eve</a> app to see when my period was coming, a day went by, two days, 5 days, after that I was honestly starting to freak out. 
Needless to say I was reading other posts to see what other females had experienced and most of them had the copper IUD and were experiencing similar symptoms and other females responses were to take pregnancy test immediately and to not be surprised to be pregnant.
 Anyway, it was day 8 and still NO PERIOD. I was ready to take a pregnancy test and expecting the worse, but luckily as I was walking to the restroom to take the test my period arrived. 
THE POINT OF THIS is to give some of you who are going through something similar a chance to take a deep breath and realize that sometimes your cycles can be 28-35 days they don't always have to be exact, even if you're a regular. 
** If you've experienced something similar please comment**