Unmedicated and Unsure

I've been admitted 9 times in the past six years for mental health issues. It wasn't until this last time that I was finally diagnosed with Bipolar Depression and got on medicine that actually worked. Which is awesome! Except my insurance requires my medication to be approved and I'm in the middle of switching psychiatrists so I can't get my medicine. My appointment isn't until the 25th and I thought I could float on through unmedicated if I kept my head down and avoided things that made me super upset. Well- now my mom has (finally) allowed herself to be admitted for mental health and blames me for it. She's been needing to be admitted for years, but has told me repeatedly that she wouldn't because my "useless ass needed taken care of". (Note: this means, because I was between the ages of 14 and 18 and suffering from anxiety and depression so severe I couldn't get out of bed most days, I didn't have a job and couldn't support myself.) And now she's saying that I got her put in there from the stress of planning my wedding (that she told me not to worry about- until she did 2 days ago and I started worrying about!) and that I don't clean (not true, I just didn't know how she wanted stuff organized and she'd never give an answer when I asked where she wanted stuff- just told me to do it damnit!). I'm pushed well beyond my limits right now, but I can't go inpatient because I can't leave my fiancé 100% alone (minus my cats). He's not from here, he doesn't know anyone, he doesn't have a car. He'd basically be stranded and my mom could come home at any time and lose her entire shit on him. I have no idea what to do, I'm damned if I do, super damned if I don't.