38 6 days baby measuring small

m 38 weeks and 6 days and they said I was measuring ahead most of my pregnancy so they changed my due date from the 24th to the 22nd but then his femur and abdominal circumference started measuring 2 and a half weeks behind but his head was measuring a week ahead so im wondering if any of thats going to affect when he comes out? Has anyone had anything like this happen? I've been walking at least 2 miles everyday and I just started evening primrose oil because im showing no signs of dilation and they said they were going to schedule me for and c-section on Halloween if my body didn't start showing signs of labor. But they did a growth ultrasound at 33 weeks because my belly was only measuring 26 weeks and the growth ultrasound showed that his HC was 33.6 and his ac was 32.2 and his femur was 31.2 and his humerus was 31.4 and all together they estimated he was measuring in the 20% percentile and that he measured 32 weeks and 3 days well. I've been having to have weekly NST tests done and ive been and skin the lady to check his femur bone for me to see if it has grown and at week 37 it was measuring 35 weeks and last Monday I was 38 weeks and it was measuring 35 weeks and 4 days and I got the doctor to check me and she said I hasn't shown any signs of labor progressing and that I wasn't dilated at all. So I just started walking this last week and taking evening primrose oil. But im wondering since he's measuring behind if it will affect when he comes out. Because if he's only measuring at week 36 now instead of 39 shouldn't that mean I have another 4 weeks to go?